Sick of high drug prices, insurers join hospitals to make their own generic medications Some new innovative way of fighting high drug prices. Some insurers and pharmacies planning on making there own generics at muchContinue reading
Why U.S. spends so much on health care: Learn from world comparisons
The U.S. spends more on health care than any other country in the world, and the gap between American spending and that of comparable nations isn’t particularly close. In the first part of his keynoteContinue reading
Zombie Docs? Physician burnout is a major problem, good TED talk on this serious topic
Z0mbie Docs ?? Not a haloween reference (though I do practice in SALEM, MA, home of salem witch trials in the 1600’s This is actually a serious TED talk discussion about the epidemic of burnout amongContinue reading
AMA lawsuit to protect patient-physician relationship in North Dakota
Yet another outrageous action that needs a vigorous response from the AMA: The American Medical Association (AMA) today filed a lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of two North Dakota laws that compel physicians and otherContinue reading
A way to universal health care coverage
Universal health care coverage is a a goal we all share, and an AMA priority. many ideas are floated, including “medicare for all”, but this unlikely to happen for many reasons, not the least beingContinue reading
AMA prevails on title 10 gag rule
I am very pleased to report that the AMA has prevailed on title X, federal judge issued an injunction against the Trump administration. see below: U.S. District Judge Michael J. McShane said Tuesday he willContinue reading
Electronic Health Records, Once a panacea, now a problem
Electronic health records (EHR) had the promise of better and more efficient health care when promoted 10 years ago. The implementation was anything but. EHR are now the leading cause of frustration and, physicianContinue reading
Drug prices set to rise for next 10 years
Drug prices will rise about 6%/year for the next 10 years unless action is taken Drug spending could rise 6.1 percent annually by 2020, federal projections show
Medicare Part D must be allowed to Negotiate Drug Prices
Since 2003 Medicare Part D has been prohibited by law from negotiating Drug prices. This is one of the primary reasons that pharmaceutical companies keep raising drug prices.. because they can with no consequences, draggingContinue reading
Prior Authorizations
Prior authorizations is more than just frustrating and time consuming, it also adversely affects patient care. See the latest news on this on link below from the AMA 1 in 3 doctors say prior authorizationContinue reading