Burnout among the nation’s physicians has become so pervasive that a new paper published recently by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Harvard Global Health Institute, the Massachusetts Medical Society andContinue reading
How to Combat High Drug Pricing
Pharmaceutical companies overcharging A recent JAMA article, “The High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the United States,” had some interesting points on reform. While I do believe in a free market and capitalism, as theyContinue reading
Athena and ER Policy
This article from the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch shows how insurance companies make policy that puts profits first and patients last: In the past year, the health insurance company Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield drew attentionContinue reading
This is the Messier catalog, complied by Charles Messier back in 1781, and remains a list of the most famous astronomical objects.
Telescope Making: The 32″ Telescope and Observatory
This page shows you stages in the construction of my latest telescope, a 32-inch diameter main mirror, with 5 corrector lenses. It is a 4800 mm focal length f6 when used as a camera.
NGC 1-4000
This is the first half of the NGC catalog. Click on image for full size.
SH2 Sharpless catalog (Hydrogen alpha regions of Milky Way)
SH2 Images, PN images
Building My Dream Observatory
In May 2011, I wrote an article for Sky and Telescope about my observatory. Here is an excerpt: As a teenager, I started grinding mirrors and building telescopes because my dreams always exceeded my budget.Continue reading
Wreckage at a White Dwarf
In April 2017 I wrote an article for Sky and Telescope about a disintegrating exoplanet, of which I obtained data using my telescope, for the science team led by Harvard. Here is an extract ofContinue reading